August 31


Hey everyone!  I am back with another post!  Today, I am going to be talking about an anime.  It’s called Haikyuu!!  I know I talked about this is my last post, but I want to talk more about it.

_________________________________________________________________________________________The main protagonist is a boy named Hinata Shoyou(not Shoyu).  He is very short and energetic.  He joins a school called Karasuno for high school.  Their mascot is a crow.  There, he meets many other players.  His main friend is a boy named Kageyama Tobio.  They are the complete opposite of each other.  Kageyama is a very emo boy at first.  Later on, he becomes more connected to the team.  The whole series is the games and journeys of the team.  There are many other teams in Haikyuu!!  My favorite is Fukurodani.  Their mascot is a owl!  My favorite character is on that team.  His name is Bokuto Koutarou.  He is also very energetic.  My other favorite is in Nekoma.  His name is Kuroo Testurou.  They both are very funny.

Throughout the series, they play against many teams.  The first time they lose, it is very sad and depressing.  They all started crying…so me and my friend started crying.  I have watched all of the episodes twice.  It will never get old.  I am currently waiting for season 4!  I am so excited!  I have absolutely no clue what it is about.  I’m just hoping that there will be no filler episodes.  A filler is where the episode doesn’t even relate to the main storyline.  I have been waiting for season 4 for about half a year. (I am also waiting for AoT season 3 and YOI season 2)

I am probably going to write more later on.  I will see y’all later! Adiós!

August 28

I’m Back!!!

Hey dudes! I’m back! *dramatic music* I HAVE FOUND MY NEW INTEREST! It is something amazing called…are you ready for it?…ANIME!

The greatest thing known to mankind, in my opinion.  I recommend watching because anime is just perfect.  I enjoy anime because it just sparks my interests.  All of the characters I see are unique in their own way.

The first anime I started watching is called Attack on Titan or Shingeki no Kyojin. It is a VERY gory show.  I would not recommend this for people with weak stomachs.  It is about these people living inside of walls.  There are gigantic human creatures outside of the walls.  The walls were built to keep them out because they EAT people.  There are 3 main characters, but that changes later on.  There are 100 different plot twists, but I shall not speak anymore because I would totally ruin the whole manga and anime in this one post.

The next anime I started watching is called Haikyuu!! The best anime EVER! It is about a volleyball team in Miyagi.  Their name is Karasuno or “The Flightless Crows” because they had gotten a lot weaker ever since their coach retired.  I am obsessed with Haikyuu!! because there are so many feels:'(.  I’ve cried watching this anime before because the team lost.  They all started crying, so I joined them.  Then later on, they end up beating that team, but then everyone on that teams cries…ugh. You get really attached to all of the teams and characters.  Again, I shall stop talking because I would ruin the whole thing 😛

The third anime is Fairy Tail.  Again, full of plot twists and feels.  It is more of a cartoon anime rather than 3D like pictures.  It is about a guild named Fairy Tail.  It talk about the adventures of everyone in it.  There are many characters such as Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Juvia, Wendy, Carla, Lisanna, and more.  My favorite is Loki.  He is a celestial spirit.  That means that he lives in a different world where other spirits live.  He is super cool and awesome.  I also like Gray because he is really funny.  He is one of the strongest wizards in the guild.  The strongest is a guy named Guildart.  Him and Natsu are best buds, but Natsu and Happy are best friends.  This is the longest franchise I know besides One Piece(IT GOES ON FOR AGES!)

The final anime that I watched is called Yuri on Ice! It is about a ice skater named Katsuki Yuuri.  It goes over his challenges and accomplishes.  There is another skater.  His name is Viktor Nikiforov.  He ends up quitting his skating career to be Yuuri’s coach.  He has a really cute doggy! His name is Makkachin.  He is the floofiest poodle anybody has ever seen.  The anime isn’t that long.  It is only 12 episodes.  I watched all of them in 2 days 😛

I highly recommend watching all of these animes.  They bring so much joy to me.  It would mean a lot if I had some one to talk about anime with. Thanks for reading!

See ya in the next post! 😉