April 12

SBC Week 5 – Family

Hey guys! I am doing activity #1! Hope you enjoy 🙂



I have many relatives.  They are all kind and caring.  My mom and dad are supportive of my decisions.  They help me along the way.  My sister is so nice.  We both care for each other.  We are partners in crime.  She is also very supportive.  She takes me to a bunch of places and we have so much fun.  My dog is great.  He has changed our house a lot. There is hair everywhere.  I don’t know what the house would be without him.  My favorite cousin is Rayden.  We hang out the most.  We see each other almost every other day.  My other cousins are so fun.  We play games, watch TV, eat, and more.  My aunties and uncles are all very kind. My grandpa and I go to Pali Golf Course sometimes to play golf.  It is special to play with him.  My grandma is very nice and helpful.  She helps me get ready in the morning.  She gets my lunch and clothes ready for the next day.  I have had many friends seem like family because we are very close friends, and we have known each other since pre-school.  We have bonded throughout the years at school.  Everybody has been so great and kind to me.  I am very lucky to have such a great family!!! <3

That is all I have time for today! I have many other relatives. I live in a very big family.  Thank you all for reading!! Bye!

Posted April 12, 2017 by hmsraya in category SBC

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