Casting Back ~ SBC Week 10
Hello everyone! The Student Blogging Challenge is coming to an end. I am going to answer a lot of questions, so yeah. Enjoy 😀
How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in?
I participated in all 10 😀
How many posts did you write in the ten week period?
I have wrote 13 posts!
How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, or other videos?
I have received two comments.
Which posts did you enjoy writing the most and why?
The post that I enjoyed most writing was the free week. I enjoyed writing this one because I got to write whatever I wanted. I wasn’t forced to write on a certain topic. I was free to write whatever I wanted to.
Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog?
I have a flag counter and a translator.
What are your plans for your blog now? Will you keep posting?
I think that I am going to try and post every week. Maybe every Friday? Who knows 😛 I never keep these kinds of promises.
That is all of the questions that I am answering! Now I am asking my sister for an opinion of my blog 😀
What were your first impressions of this blog?
I thought that it looked very colorful. I THINK that it’s BTS as the background. There are a lot of pictures on some of the posts.
What captured your attention?
The pictures in the posts really grabbed my attention. Some of the titles were very creative.
What distracted you on the blog?
The moving background distracted me a little bit.
What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?
I don’t think that there is much to change.  Maybe just make your background a little less distracting. That’s it 🙂
I take this all as constructive criticism 🙂 Thank you all for reading! It was nice going on this short journey of challenges with you all! Bye!